Euan Burton shows you Ne-Waza control positions. Learn how to control your opponent in groundwork if you get your single leg caught. Euan shows this from many different positions and situations and explains the key points and mistakes to avoid. Learn how to get from having your leg trapped to holding your opponent down for ippon.
Up Next in Ne-Waza
Ne-Waza Control - Figure Of Four | Ba...
Euan Burton shows you the figure four ne-waza control position.
If you can master this control position, you can be more dominant in ne-waza from many different situations and ne-waza positions. Drill the figure four control position and you'll be able to open up more scoring in contests.
Juji-Gatame | Basics With Burton
Euan Burton shows you a back to basics version of juji-gatame. Master this classic armlock with Euan's tips and tricks for success. Avoid the common mistakes that Euan notes and after drilling this technique you'll score a lot more often in ne-waza.
Sangaku-Jime | Basics With Burton
Euan demonstrates how to achieve a basic sangaku-jime technique in ne-waza.
This includes top tips for success and noting mistakes to avoid.