Euan Burton shows you the figure four ne-waza control position.
If you can master this control position, you can be more dominant in ne-waza from many different situations and ne-waza positions. Drill the figure four control position and you'll be able to open up more scoring in contests.
Up Next in Ne-Waza
Juji-Gatame | Basics With Burton
Euan Burton shows you a back to basics version of juji-gatame. Master this classic armlock with Euan's tips and tricks for success. Avoid the common mistakes that Euan notes and after drilling this technique you'll score a lot more often in ne-waza.
Sangaku-Jime | Basics With Burton
Euan demonstrates how to achieve a basic sangaku-jime technique in ne-waza.
This includes top tips for success and noting mistakes to avoid.
Okuri-Eri-Jime | Basics With Burton
Here Euan Burton will show you how to perform a basic okuri-eri-jime and the mistakes to avoid.
Euan demonstrates a rolling strangle from the side of an opponent. Noting key points such as ne-waza control positions, limb placement and when to apply pressure to succeed.