Apart from being more explosive, the main difference between the normal and reverse shrimp is that instead of pushing yourself along the tatami, you use your feet to pull. Starting on your side, you drive your top foot down into the tatami, exploding upwards with the hips and using the momentum to roll onto your opposite side. Your arms should drive upwards from the hips.
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The Side Shuffle | Newaza Hokyo | Yus...
This side shuffle is another fairly simple, but a fundamental movement for Ne Waza. You start on your back, leaning your legs and hips to one side, with your arms and shoulders turned the other way. The aim of the movement is to switch your hips and shoulders, finishing in the opposite position. ...
The Side Jump | Newaza Hokyo | Yusuke...
The side jump is very similar to the side shuffle, however, in this exercise, both your upper and lower body start facing the same direction. You kick up with your legs and hips and completely leave the tatami, rotating your body mid-flight to land on the opposite side. It’s a short, explosive ex...
Foot Contact Drill | Newaza Hokyo | Y...
This drill is about maintaining control of your opponent at any given moment in Newaza. Lying on your back, core tight, holding your head off the tatami, you hook your feet in. Executing a kind of cycling motion, you move your partner’s legs back and forth. Although Uke must jump slightly, it is ...