Ouchi gari
13 Seasons
An effective Ouchi gari can be a devastating weapon, and also works well in tandem with the forward throwing Uchi mata.
Don't miss Olympic Champions Harrison, Decosse and Bischof who made Ouchi gari a core technique in their judo repertoires.
02:02Episode 1
Ouchi gari | Judo Principles
Episode 1
Euan Burton and Gemma Gibbons show the principles of posture and positioning for Ouchi gari.
16:59Episode 2
Ouchi Gari | Basics With Burton
Episode 2
Euan Burton takes you through the basics of ouchi gari
02:39Episode 3
Ouchi gari - Overview | Ole Bischof
Episode 3
An overview of Olympic Champion Ole Bischof's Ouchi gari. This video is part 1 of 4.
01:57Episode 4
Ouchi gari - Posture | Ole Bischof
Episode 4
Olympic Champion Ole Bischof shows you the posture to adopt to be able to throw successfully with Ouchi gari. This video is part 2 of 4.
Ouchi gari - Head and direction | Ole Bischof
Episode 5
Olympic Champion Ole Bischof shows what to with your head and the direction for Ouchi gari. This video is part 3 of 4
02:38Episode 6
Ouchi gari - Execution | Ole Bischof
Episode 6
Olympic Champion Ole Bischof shows the execution for throwing with Ouchi gari. This video is part 4 of 4
01:07Episode 7
Ouchi gari | Darcel Yandzi
Episode 7
Darcel Yandzi reveals his Ouchi gari against right handed opponents.
01:44Episode 8
Upper body | Darcel Yandzi
Episode 8
Darcel breaks down the gripping and upper body movements for his Ouchi gari.
01:27Episode 9
Lower body | Darcel Yandzi
Episode 9
Darcel breaks down the leg, hip and foot movements for his Ouchi gari.
01:51Episode 10
Movement and execution | Darcel Yandzi
Episode 10
Yandzi demonstrates the overall movement patterns and how to finish Ouchi gari.
02:07Episode 11
Ouchi gari variations | Darcel Yandzi
Episode 11
Darcel illustrates how the reaction of his opponent will determine which throw he attempts.
Ouchi gari v Left | Overview | Lucie Décosse
Episode 12
Décosse switches stance to perform her favourite technique (Tokui waza), Ouchi gari against left handed fighters.
Upper Body | Ouchi gari v Left | Lucie Décosse
Episode 13
Décosse ensures she is first to the grip in order to block her opponent, rolls the shoulder to keep the distance.
Lower Body & Execution | Ouchi gari v Left | Lucie Décosse
Episode 14
Lucie steps forward to square up, closing the space between herself and her opponent. A short, sharp motion to ensure the opponent cannot react.
Competitive Variations | Ouchi gari v Left | Lucie Décosse
Episode 15
A number competitive examples of Ouchi from Décosse.
Ouchi gari | Sleeve and lapel | Overview | Lucie Décosse
Episode 16
Lucie teaches you her 'Tokui waza', Ouchi gari that can be used against left and right handed opponents.
Upper Body | Ouchi gari | Sleeve and lapel | Lucie Décosse
Episode 17
Décosse forces her opponents to switch stance, pins the sleeve and drives her opponent off balance.
Lower Body, uchikomi & execution | Ouchi gari | Sleeve and lapel | Décosse
Episode 18
To complete the technique, Lucie lifts the leg rather than sweeping it, hopping into her opponent and over their standing leg.
Competitive Variations | Ouchi gari | Sleeve and lapel | Lucie Décosse
Episode 19
Watch how this technique can differ when applied in the heat of competition.
Ouchi into Kouchi combination | Overview | Lucie Décosse
Episode 20
Lucie uses this combination against right handed opponents who throw their arm for a high grip.
Sleeve and Lapel | Ouchi into Kouchi combination | Lucie Décosse
Episode 21
As opponents reached over the top with the right hand, Lucie would force her left hand into their shoulder, pulling on the sleeve and stabbing at their lead leg.
Double sided | Ouchi into Kouchi combination | Lucie Décosse
Episode 22
In this variation, Décosse catches the opponents right arm before they grip moving it across they're body and closing the space to attack.
Competitive variations | Ouchi into Kouchi combination | Lucie Décosse
Episode 23
Some great examples of this fantastic combination in action.
Kouchi into Ouchi combination | Overview | Lucie Décosse
Episode 24
This combination was developed as a result of opponents expecting Décosse's Ouchi gari.