Dragin’s Left Ippon Seoi Nage is an attack he executes from a right stance.
To make it happen he has to create distance between himself and his opponent and have a lapel grip.
Dragin can do it against right or left handed opponents. But he says it works best against opposite stance opponents, which in his case is left handers.
For such a big technique, it doesn't require a lot of energy to execute.
It all comes down to the correct position and use of your body.
Dragin started working on this technique when he was 16 after watching the incredible Toshihiko Koga. He adapted it a bit to fit his style. Koga used his shoulder more for the lift, whereas Dragin’s lift comes from the hip.
In the next few videos Dragin will break down every stage of his Ippon Seoi Nage, so you too can execute this incredible throw.
He will cover how to create the necessary distance and step into what he calls the ‘playground area’, the breaking of Uke’s balance, how he gets underneath them and into the Jigotai position, the lift required to get uke onto their back, and then the execution. And finally we will analyse Dragin executing his Left Ippon Seoi Nage in competition.
Up Next in Ippon Seoi Nage
Set up & Jigotai Position | Ippon Seo...
Dragin’s Seoi Nage starts from a right stance and a right lapel grip. You can feed the lapel from left to right if necessary.
He says you should keep distance between yourself and Uke, and does this by straightening the right arm.
With the lapel grip and distance from Uke, you step into what Dr...
Execution | Ippon Seoi Nage | Dimitri...
From the Jigotai position, Dragin says to start pushing off of the right leg. Forcing your hip further into Uke and switching you weight onto your left leg.
This starts to lift the opponent up. It’s at this point that you want to step back with the right leg.
Notice how as he steps, Dragin sen...
Competition Examples | Ippon Seoi Nag...
Having learnt Dragin’s Left Ippon Seoi Nage, now let’s take a look and analyse how he executed it in competition.
The first round of the 2011 Paris Grand Slam saw Dragin send the home crowd into raptures with this spectacular example of his Left Seoi against Turkey's Uzun.
While side stepping, ...