De Ashi Barai
Kumi Kata & Playground | De Ashi Barai VS Dominant Left | Dimitri Dragin
Episode 2
3m 8s
When facing a left handed opponent with a dominant grip over the top, Dragin needs to create enough space to be able to get his right hand on the inside lapel.
Having the space enables him to use that lapel to start to apply pressure.
Dragin wants to pull down and then push into Uke’s pectoral area. Ideally, if he has enough space he will go under the armpit.
Doing so gives him a better chance of having a bigger impact on Uke’s top half in the next few stages.
By pulling down and then pushing it allows him to create the space required, and also disrupt his opponent’s posture. If he was to just push directly, it wouldn't have as big as an effect.
Now on the lapel, Dragin looks to take hold of the sleeve.
With the sleeve in hand, he needs to pull it towards him.
Pulling the sleeve and pushing on the lapel will start to rotate Uke’s upper body, disrupting their posture and putting Dragin in the driving seat.
Occasionally Uke will beat Dragin on the sleeve grip, pulling his arm in, putting Dragin in a weak position.
In order to execute the De Ashi Barai, he has to bring pressure down on the sleeve, no matter where his arm is.
Having the sleeve and lapel under control, Dragin looks to step into the area that he calls his ‘playground’. This is the first of two very important parts in the set up for the throw.
To get into this area Dragin takes a step out in front of uke with his left leg.
The aim of the step is to not only to create more distance, but also to create a triangle be-tween their legs and his. This triangle position is Dragin’s ‘playground area’. For him this is where everything can happen.
The step and ‘playground area’ consists of Dragin putting all his weight on his left leg. Doing so enables his right leg to be free to move and attack in numerous directions.
It’s important that when Dragin makes the step he stays loose and relaxed, but strong on the grips. This allows him to use his explosivity, and attack with a variety of Ashi Waza.
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