Colin Oates
8 Seasons
Great Britain's Multiple European Medallist Colin Oates joins Superstar Judo as your latest coach
Standard Variation | Arm Tie Roll | Colin Oates
Episode 1
Here double European medallist Colin Oates demonstrates the standard variation of his arm tie roll from start to finish.
Oates says that a great way to initiate the roll is by pulling through your partner on the sleeve and then chopping them down.
As a result, they are likely to land on all-fou...
Sangaku Variation | Arm Tie Roll | Colin Oates
Episode 2
Once Oates had the jacket tied up, he considered this as a winning position. If his partner tried to prevent the roll he had a couple of other variations of the technique that he could use in order to secure Osaekomi… His first variation was Sangaku.
The most common defence to the arm tie roll w...
Reverse Variation | Arm Tie Roll | Colin Oates
Episode 3
If Colin Oates was up against a particularly strong or flexible opponent, they would sometimes be able to brace their leg high up and prevent his Sangaku arm tie roll. In this situation he would use his reverse variation.
As Oates secures the tie off, the partner manages to get his foot high up ...
Competition Variations | Arm Tie Roll | Colin Oates
Episode 4
In this clip we see the competition variations of Colin Oates’s arm tie roll.
On his way to a bronze medal at the 2013 Rijeka Grand Prix Oates uses the standard variation of his arm tie roll against Spain’s Cases
Oates brings his right knee into play to help turn his opponent onto his back.
Overview | Uchi Mata & Harai Goshi | Colin Oates
Episode 5
Colin Oates says that when it comes to his Uchi mata and Harai goshi he has one key thing in mind, which is how to get a reaction from his partner.
It’s this reaction that generates the crucial momentum that he needs in order to throw.
His standard variations of both Uchi mata and Harai goshi a...
Kosoto Gari Twitch | Uchi Mata & Harai Goshi | Colin Oates
Episode 6
Colin Oates says that when it comes to his Uchi mata and Harai goshi, his focus is on getting his partner into a position where it’s easy to throw them.
He does this by twitching for Kosoto gari.
With the partner not wanting to be thrown backwards he shifts his weight forwards.
Ideal for Uchi...
Off The Sleeve | Uchi Mata & Harai Goshi | Colin Oates
Episode 7
Colin Oates has a variation of Uchi mata that he uses when his left sleeve is being pinned. It works on the same principle as the Korean off the sleeve Tai otoshi, where you lure the opponent into the throw by pretending to break off their sleeve grip.
Here, the opponent prevents Oates from taki...
Competition Variations | Uchi Mata & Harai Goshi | Colin Oates
Episode 8
In this clip we look at the competition variations of Colin Oates’s Harai goshi and Uchi mata.
On his way to a 5th place at the 2011 World Championships, Colin Oates scores Yuko from an Uchi mata – Ashi guruma hybrid technique, against Moldova’s Soroca.
With a sleeve and back grip Oates uses th...
01:03Episode 9
Starting Judo | Interview | Colin Oates
Episode 9
Colin Oates talks about how he started judo
Setting Up My Judo Club | Interview | Colin Oates
Episode 10
Colin Oates talk about how his family set up their own judo club
Getting More Serious With Judo | Interview | Colin Oates
Episode 11
Colin Oates discusses how he decided to take judo more seriously as a sport
01:16Episode 12
My Style Of Judo | Interview | Colin Oates
Episode 12
Colin Oates talks to Superstar Judo about his style of judo
01:20Episode 13
Judo Tactics | Interview | Colin Oates
Episode 13
Colin Oates discusses his judo tactics
How I Study Other Judoka | Interview | Colin Oates
Episode 14
Colin Oates talk about how he prepared to fight by studying his opponents
How I Prepare Before A Competition | Interview | Colin Oates
Episode 15
Colin Oates talks about his physical and mental preparation prior to fighting
03:49Episode 16
My Career High | Interview | Colin Oates
Episode 16
Colin Oates tells us about the high point of his career
01:41Episode 17
My Sumi Gaeshi | Interview | Colin Oates
Episode 17
Colin Oates reveals all about one of his most used techniques - sumi gaeshi
02:21Episode 18
My Uchi Mata | Interview | Colin Oates
Episode 18
Colin Oates talk about how he decided to start using uchi mata
03:13Episode 19
My Kumi Kata | Interview | Colin Oates
Episode 19
Colin Oates talks to Superstar Judo about his kumi kata
02:45Episode 20
My Ne Waza | Interview | Colin Oates
Episode 20
Colin Oates discusses his newaza
Advice For Aspiring Judoka | Interview | Colin Oates
Episode 21
Colin Oates gives advice for all judoka who are aspiring to be better
What Judo Means To Me | Interview | Colin Oates
Episode 22
Colin Oates discusses his life in judo, his development in the sport and his future
Growing Up With Fighting Films | Interview | Colin Oates
Episode 23
Colin Oates talks about the influence Fighting Films had on his judo
03:11Episode 24
The Oates Way | Interview | Colin Oates
Episode 24
Colin Oates sat down with us to discuss his judo philosophy.