Winston Gordon
10 Seasons
Triple Olympian and Commonwealth Games Champion Winston Gordon teaches you the Judo that kept him preforming at the highest level for over 15 years.
Gordon was well known for his hard grip fighting, Ashi waza combinations and his well drilled Ne waza.
Primary stance: Right
Sleeve catch variations | Winston Gordon
Episode 1
An introduction to Winston Gordon's different variations of catching a right hand opponent's sleeve.
02:21Episode 2
Catching the sleeve | Winston Gordon
Episode 2
Winston Gordon shows how to catch the opponent's sleeve. This is for a same sided gripping situation.
Catch and push across the body | Winston Gordon
Episode 3
Once Gordon has caught the sleeve one tactic he employs is to push his opponent's sleeve across their body. This is for a same sided gripping situation.
Sleeve catch into cross grip | Winston Gordon
Episode 4
Gordon shows that a good way of opening up your opponent is by catching the sleeve and taking a cross grip. This is for a same sided gripping situation.
Sleeve catch and lapel grip | Winston Gordon
Episode 5
If he can, Gordon will take a right handed lapel grip once he's caught his opponent's sleeve.
Sleeve catch and over grip | Winston Gordon
Episode 6
Gordon shows how to catch and pin an opponent's power hand before taking an over the top grip. This is for a same sided gripping situation.
02:01Episode 7
Lapel grip break | Winston Gordon
Episode 7
Winston Gordon shows his lapel grip break against a right handed opponent.
02:10Episode 8
Freeing the sleeve | Winston Gordon
Episode 8
In a right versus right situation here is a very effective double grip break from triple Olympian Winston Gordon.
Dealing with the Russian arm | Winston Gordon
Episode 9
Gordon shows how he deals with an opponent who attacks throwing their right arm over his right shoulder (Russian arm).
Kumi kata randori v same stance | Winston Gordon
Episode 10
An example of gripping randori against a same stance opponent.
01:37Episode 11
Lapel grip break | Winston Gordon
Episode 11
Winston Gordon shows his standard grip break against left handed opponents.
Lapel grip break using cross grip | Winston Gordon
Episode 12
Gordon shows a very effective cross gripping method to break an opponent's left handed lapel grip.
02:30Episode 13
Elbow pull down to grip | Winston Gordon
Episode 13
Against left handed opponents Gordon shows how he likes to get his arm over their back to launch attacks.
Breaking off high left grips | Winston Gordon
Episode 14
Winston Gordon shows a great way to prevent your head from being dominated vs left handed opponents.
Kumi Kata randori v opposite | Winston Gordon
Episode 15
An example of gripping randori against a left handed opponent.
01:27Episode 16
Osoto gari - Overview | Winston Gordon
Episode 16
Winston Gordon demonstrates his Osoto gari versus right handed opponents.
01:40Episode 17
Osoto gari - Arms | Winston Gordon
Episode 17
Winston Gordon's arm and upper body movement for Osoto gari.
01:22Episode 18
Osoto gari - Legs | Winston Gordon
Episode 18
Winston Gordon's Leg movement for his Osoto gari.
02:26Episode 19
Osoto gari - Execution | Winston Gordon
Episode 19
Winston Gordon shows how to finish his Osoto gari - including how he used it in competition.
Osoto gari v opposite stance | Winston Gordon
Episode 20
Gordon shows how to use Ashi waza to set up his Osoto gari against opposite stance opponents.
Kosoto gari - Osoto gari combination | Winston Gordon
Episode 21
Against right handed opponents who adopt an extreme stance Winston Gordon sets up his Osoto gari with Kosoto gari.
Osoto - Nidan kosoto gari combination | Winston Gordon
Episode 22
Gordon shows one of his most deadly and effective Ashi waza combinations versus left handed opponents.
03:06Episode 23
Bearhug Kosoto gake | Winston Gordon
Episode 23
Winston Gordon's bearhug Kosoto gake is his do or die technique. Don't miss this role of the dice Kosoto!
Bearhug Kosoto gake - cross grip variation | Winston Gordon
Episode 24
This bearhug Kosoto gake comes from a cross grip. Winston Gordon uses this against same stance opponents.