Skip And Execution | Kouchi Gari | Ugo Legrand
3m 48s
With the set up complete, the next stage of Legrand’s Kouchi all comes from the skip across. This skip allows him the time to wait and catch the leg at the perfect moment.
Legrand found that when he did the standard Kouchi Gari step, he would feel fixed and it never flowed. However with the skip, it allowed him to feel loose, get the timing right, and enabled him to drive off his supporting leg.
Legrand pushes up and off with his right leg. Skipping across the front of his opponent. At the same time he brings his left knee up high, before flicking his foot forwards to connect on Uke’s leg. Legrand wants to make contact with the back of Uke’s ankle. He really chops into their foot, wrapping his foot around it. Taking their leg out from underneath them, splitting the legs and destroying their balance.
Throughout the skip Legrand keeps the top half tight. This allows him to send his bodyweight forwards into his opponent. With their leg’s split and the weight shifting backwards it doesn't take much for Legrand to send them over for the score. He just has to drive forward.
Here Legrand demonstrates the full movement without an Uke. It’s starts with a sleeve grip, then taking the left arm in and over onto the back; the twitch Kosoto, skip, chop at the leg, and drive forward.
Here is what it looks like with all the stages combined. This attack relies on really getting that reaction, and then capitalizing on the moment. The whole movement is swift, attacking with the Kouchi as soon as you get the reaction.
So: Once the arm is over, Legrand is ready for the twitch Kosoto. There’s the fake forward, the Kosoto behind, the skip across, contact, and drive.