Tsurikomi goshi
8 Seasons
Tsurikomi goshi is rarely seen at top level competition, but a modification to it - Sode tsurikomi goshi - has become a well used and very effective scoring technique.
Former World Champion Craig Fallon leads with both of these techniques, breaking them down step-by-step over six episodes.
Other top level judoka who made Sode tsurikomi goshi a big part of their game were four Olympic Champions - Kayla Harrison, Toshihiko Koga, Mark Huizinga and Ki-young Jeon. All of their variations are not to be missed.
Tsurikomi goshi set-up and entry | Craig Fallon
Episode 1
World and European Champion Craig Fallon introduces his Tsurikomi goshi.
Tsurikomi goshi execution | Craig Fallon
Episode 2
World and European Champion Craig Fallon shows the execution for his Tsurikomi goshi. Includes some great competition examples!
01:46Episode 3
Sode tsurikomi goshi | Craig Fallon
Episode 3
World and European Champion Craig Fallon introduces his amazing style of Sode tsurikomi goshi.
02:03Episode 4
Set-up | Craig Fallon
Episode 4
World and European Champion Craig Fallon reveals the set-up for his amazing style of Sode tsurikomi goshi.
01:34Episode 5
Entry | Craig Fallon
Episode 5
World and European Champion Craig Fallon shows the entry into his amazing style of Sode tsurikomi goshi.
03:28Episode 6
Execution | Craig Fallon
Episode 6
World and European Champion Craig Fallon shows the execution for his amazing style of Sode tsurikomi goshi.
Sode tsurikomi goshi - Overview vs same | Kayla Harrison
Episode 7
Double Olympic and World Champion Kayla Harrison's Sode tsurikomi goshi against right handed opponents. One of her major scoring techniques.
Sode tsurikomi goshi - Step by step vs same | Kayla Harrison
Episode 8
Kayla Harrison shows each step of her Sode tsurikomi goshi - kumi kata, kuzushi, tsukuri and kake.
Sode tsurikomi goshi - Competition variations vs same | Kayla Harrison
Episode 9
Kayla Harrison in competition executing Sode tsurikomi goshi.
Toshihiko Koga - Sode tsurikomi goshi - Standard demonstration
Episode 10
Koga demonstrates a standard Sode tsuri komi goshi. Next see Koga's variations
02:35Episode 11
Toshihiko Koga - Sode tsurikomi goshi
Episode 11
A beautiful variation of Sode tsurikomi goshi, where Koga enters for a right handed throw before spinning in with a left handed Sode
Toshihiko Koga - Sode tsurikomi goshi - Right v Left
Episode 12
Koga demonstrates his Sode tsuri komi goshi - used against a left handed opponent
06:31Episode 13
Mark Huizinga - Sode tsurikomi goshi
Episode 13
Sode tsurikomi goshi is a great surprise attack. This left handed variation from Mark Huizinga is performed from a single sleeve grip
Hashimoto's triple Sode tsurikomi goshi | Neil Adams
Episode 14
Neil Adams analyses an amazing triple Sode attack, which results in Ippon for Japan's Soichi Hashimoto in the final of the 2017 Ekaterinburg Grand Prix.
Abe's one-handed Sode tsurikomi goshi | Neil Adams
Episode 15
Former World Champion Neil Adams analyses an amazing one handed throw from the new rising star of Japanese judo in the 2016 Tokyo Grand Slam!
How to avoid disqualification on single-sided Sode tsurikomi goshi | Neil Adams
Episode 16
Former World Champion Neil Adams analyses 2016 Olympic silver medallist An Baul's (KOR) single-sided Sode tsurikomi goshi at the 2016 Tokyo Grand Slam, which resulted in Hansoku make.
Khubetsov's Sode tsurikomi goshi | Neil Adams
Episode 17
Maruyama's Sode tsurikomi goshi | Neil Adams
Episode 18
Neil takes a look at how Maruyama distracts his opponent using Kumi kata before throwing with a beautiful Sode.
Sode Tsurikomi Goshi from Khubetsov | Neil Adams
Episode 19
Neil Adams analyses a great piece of opportunist judo, as Khubetsov (RUS) anticipates his opponent's attack and throws him with Sode tsurikomi goshi in the -81kg final of the 2016 Tbilisi Grand Prix.
01:22Episode 20
Sode tsurikomi goshi | Jeon
Episode 20
Jeon demonstrates how he sets up his grip for Sode tsuri komi goshi against a right handed opponent
01:12Episode 21
The Gokyo - Tsuri komi goshi
Episode 21
The Gokyo version of Tsurikomi goshi, demonstrated by Neil Adams
02:58Episode 22
Sode tsurikomi goshi - left v right | Jeon
Episode 22
Jeon demonstrates Sode tsuri komi goshi against a right handed opponent
01:44Episode 23
Sode tsurikomi goshi - r v l Russian | Jeon
Episode 23
Jeon demonstrates a Sode tsuri komi goshi against a left handed Russian style
Drop Sode tsurikomi goshi to Osoto gari | Jeon
Episode 24
Jeon demonstrates one of his greatest abilities as a fighter, combining techniques together. Here he show his best combination, Drop Sode tsuri komi goshi to Osoto gari