Kumi Kata
20 Seasons
Grip fighting is one of the most important aspects of judo. Our Superstar Judo coaching library contains over 150 videos of the world's greatest judoka revealing their gripping techniques, strategies and tricks.
Learn numerous grip breaks, the ways to pin the sleeve and dominate the lapel, getting to the opponent's back, using the head, the benefits of posture and movement, gripping game-plans, and transitions into both Tachi waza and Newaza.
Overview | Kumi Kata VS Same | Kayla Harrison
Episode 1
Double Olympic Champion Kayla Harrison shows us how she became so dominant against right handed opponents.
Step By Step | Kumi Kata VS Same | Kayla Harrison
Episode 2
In this video we see, in detail, how Kayla Harrison competes against right handed opponents in Kumi kata.
Competition Variations | Kumi Kata VS Same | Kayla Harrison
Episode 3
Examples of how Kayla Harrison used her Kumi kata strategies all over the World in top level competition.
Overview | Kumi Kata VS Opposite | Kayla Harrison
Episode 4
Kayla Harrison shows us her Kumi kata tactics that she used as the foundation to her Judo against left handed opponents.
Step By Step | Kumi Kata VS Opposite | Kayla Harrison
Episode 5
Kayla Harrison shows us in detail how she deals with a left handed opponent in Kumi kata.
Competition Examples | Kumi Kata VS Opposite | Kayla Harrison
Episode 6
Examples of how Kayla Harrison used her Kumi kata strategies in competition at World Championships and international tournaments.
00:52Episode 7
Gripping | Interview | Kayla Harrison
Episode 7
Harrison talks us through the foundation of her Judo.