Kouchi gari
13 Seasons
Numerous Olympic Champions reveal one of their most effective weapons, exclusively on Superstar Judo.
Learn classical Kouchi gari from Keiji Suzuki and Mark Huizinga, off the sleeve variations from Kayla Harrison, combinations from Lucie Decosse, Kouchi Makikomi from Ki-young Jeon and Toshihiko Koga, and Kouchi gake from Ole Bischof.
Toshihiko Koga - Kouchi makikomi - Standard demonstration
Episode 1
Koga demonstrates a standard Kouchi makikomi. Next see Koga's variation
Toshihiko Koga - Kouchi makikomi - Koga Variation
Episode 2
Koga demonstrates his Kouchi makikomi, highlighting the differences from a standard one
Kouchi Makikomi | Interview | Toshihiko Koga
Episode 3
Koga talks about Kouchi makikomi and how it is useful against larger opponents.