Throwing For Ippon - Ko-soto-gari
Welcome to the video playlist for Ko-soto-gari- book eleven in Superstar Judo's guide to Throwing for Ippon. These videos, which are free to watch, include coaching from Japan’s Ashi-waza expert Keiji Suzuki, Ko-soto-gari specialist Ugo Legrand & Mongolia's Tumurkhuleg Davaadorj.
Learn from Keiji Suzuki as he teaches his amazing one-handed Ko-soto-gari, and witness Winston Gordon’s spectacular O-soto-gari - Nidan Ko-soto-gari Combination.
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One Handed VS Left | Kosoto Gari | Keiji Suzuki
Double World and Olympic Champion Keiji Suzuki reveals his amazing one-handed variation of his Kosoto gari, which was made famous in the final of the 2003 World Championships
Osoto - Nidan kosoto gari combination | Winston Gordon
Gordon shows one of his most deadly and effective Ashi waza combinations versus left handed opponents.