Five time World medallist Kirill Denisov’s Kosoto gari comes from the threat of his highly effective Uchi mata.
His twitch for the forward throwing Uchi mata gets the reaction in the opponent that allows for the rear throwing Kosoto.
Denisov has two main variations from the twitch.
The first is his spectacular jump-in, or ‘Tobikomi’, Kosoto gari.
For this throw to work Denisov will usually have attacked with Uchi mata earlier on in the contest.
The Kosoto is all about getting as big a reaction as possible.
In his ‘arm clamp’ variation, the Kosoto is initiated from him and his opponent battling to throw with Uchi mata.
Both judoka tend to be in more of an extreme stance, as they are hip to hip. But it’s still that big twitch to throw with Uchi mata that once again gets the reaction for the Kosoto gari.
The threat of his Kosoto is also used to set up so many of his Uchi matas.
The two techniques work hand-in-hand and are as equally effective as each other.
There is arguably nobody in the world who is better at the Uchi mata – Kosoto gari combination than Kirill Denisov.
Learn both of Denisov’s Kosoto garis exclusively on Superstar Judo, as he reveals the grips, the breaking of balance, the incredible Tobikomi entry, the arm clamp variation and his highly effective and fully committed twitch.
He also shows his Kosoto gari contact drill, which is a great form of Uchikomi.
Before you get a chance to see him using his Kosoto at the World’s biggest competitions.
This is not to be missed!
Up Next in Kirill Denisov
Overview | Kouchi Gari | Kirill Denisov
Kouchi gari is a key technique in Kirill Denisov’s judo.
The five time World medallist uses Kouchi not only to score, but to destabilise opponents and to set up his major throws.
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