An in-depth interview with the Fletcher siblings, covering their success at the Tel Aviv Grand Prix. They cover so much, including:
-Fight by fight walkthrough, in-depth analysis of their techniques, tactics, and opponents, with unrivalled and unseen Slow-mo angles
-The dramas of randori together
-Work with sports psychologists
-Megan’s journey from being told she might never do Judo again, to medalling at a Grand Prix
- Their sibling rivalry in childhood
- Power rangers getting banned
- Embarrassing stories of each other
- Their diets and why they eat what they eat
-How it felt to finally win a Grand Prix medal
-How it feels to be back from Injury
-What it’s like to achieve alongside your sibling and medal at the same competition
-What the Fletcher’s Christmas secret is!
-How it feels to watch each other fight
-What it’s like to travel the world together
-Their Coaches advise
-What the interim period is like
-How to prepare for a final, and how he got psyched out like Novak Djokovic
-How it felt to get to rank 11
- The respect they have for each other and what they’ve learnt from each other
Up Next in Insights
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