Throwing For Ippon - Hajime!
Welcome to the video playlist for the introduction to Superstar Judo's guide to Throwing for Ippon - Hajime! These videos, which are free to watch, include two of modern judo's greatest exponents of the Ippon - triple World and Olympic Champions Kosei Inoue of Japan and Ilias Iliadis of Greece.
Learn from Inoue as he teaches you his most famous Uchi mata of the lot and watch Iliadis's incredible run to 2011 World Championship gold, which contained five different Ippons from five different techniques!
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Kosei Inoue - Uchi mata from Ouchi gari twitch
Inoue's incredible twitch Uchimata, made world famous in the 2000 Olympic final. Faking for the rear technique - Ouchi gari - Inoue exploits his opponent's reaction by exploding in with his incredible Uchimata.
I Must Win | Interview | Ilias Iliadis