Starting in a Right v Right position, Dragin applies pressure down through his sleeve grip, just like with all of his Kumi Kata.
This is done by pulling the arm down and into your body, followed by bringing your bodyweight down onto the sleeve.
Keeping distance between himself and his partner, Dragin takes a big step out to the side with his left leg.
When stepping, you must keep the sleeve pinned.
At the same time he keeps his lapel hand relaxed.
The step out to the side really exaggerates the right vs right stance, now making it an extreme right vs right position.
Dragin is now ready to make contact on uke’s right leg with his right foot.
You want to make contact around Uke’s ankle.
It’s important to turn the foot, so that the base of his foot is the part that makes contact.
Doing this gives more control and a better connection.
The aim is to sweep the leg out to the side. Notice how it’s almost a dragging motion, that really splits uke’s leg.
At the same time as making contact with the foot, Dragin says you must rotate uke’s upper body.
He raises the sleeve arm up, while giving a small pull down on the lapel. Creating a steering wheel like motion with his arms.
To get the best reaction from pulling the lapel, you must keep the arm relaxed prior to the pull.
The sleeve raise and pull on the lapel starts to rotate Uke’s upper body.
This combined with the leg contact causes Uke’s posture to crumble. All Dragin has to do to finish the attack is continue to rotate around.
When done at full speed and in a more competitive scenario it will look like this.
See how once Dragin has taken the step to the side, the execution of the upper body rotation and foot contact are done extremely quickly. Doing so really whips uke around, taking them completely off their feet and onto their back.
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