Overview | Sumi Gaeshi | Dimitri Dragin
Dimitri Dragin
1m 49s
Dimitri Dragin’s Sumi Gaeshi is executed in a right vs right scenario, where both fighters have a traditional grip of sleeve and lapel
He has 2 main variations
The first is his twitch set up variation. Dragin uses this when the opponent is in a more upright position.
The twitch is used to get a reaction from his opponent, shifting their body weight, making them off balance. This sets up the position for Dragin to attack
The second variation is done when Uke is in a defensive posture, being bent over with their arms out straight. Here he uses a different kind of twitch, where Dragin says he ‘hits his foot off the mat’. This again is to change Uke’s posture, allowing Dragin to attack.
The 3rd and final variation is his least commonly used, but is still effective never the less.
Dragin executes this variation off of an opponents failed attack.
This one requires quick reactions to avoid the opponents initial attack but can bring a lot of success.
Next up Dragin will teach you the ins and outs of setting up and executing Sumi Gaeshi, and there will also be a detailed break-down of how this technique worked in competition.