Dashdavaa, Davaadorj & Khashbaatar
We interviewed Dashdavaa, Davaadorj & Khashbaatar
Mongolian Judo Team Training | Interview | Khashbaatar
Traditional Mongolian Wrestling | Interview | Khashbaatar
The Growth Of Judo In Mongolia | Interview | Khashbaatar
World Champion Khashbaatar speaks about the rise in popularity of judo in Mongolia. Click CC for subtitles
Creating New Techniques | Interview | Khashbaatar
World Champion Khashbaatar talks about how Mongolians love to create new techniques, and find ways to incorporate their traditional Mongolian wrestling base in their judo. Click CC for subtitles.
Adapting To New Situations | Interview | Khashbaatar
2009 World Champion Khashbaatar explains how the nomadic Mongolian way of life positively affects the Mongolian outlook on judo. Click on CC for subtitles.
Judo In Mongolian Culture | Interview | Khashbaatar
2009 World Champion Khashbaatar talks about how judo is integrated within Mongolian culture.
The Mongolian Fighting Spirit | Interview | Khashbaatar
Former World Champion Khashbaatar talks about the Mongolian fighting spirit.
Kumi Kata | Interview | Khashbaatar
Former World Champion Khashbaatar talks about the importance of grip-fighting.
Tactics And Preparation | Interview | Khashbaatar
Mongolia's first ever World Champion talks about the importance of tactics and preparation.
Why Mongolians Are So Strong In Judo | Khashbaatar
World Champion Khashbaatar speaks about the reasons behind why Mongolians are so strong in judo. Click CC for subtitles
Preparing For Competition | Interview | Khashbaatar
2009 World Champion Khashbaatar speaks about the pride Mongolians take in representing their country.
The Front Uchi mata | Interview | Khashbaatar
Winning The 2004 Olympic Bronze | Interview | Khashbaatar
The Effect Of Naidan's Olympic Gold | Interview | Khashbaatar
Joining The Mongolian Judo Team | Interview | Khashbaatar
Success Across The Weight Categories | Interview | Khashbaatar
Former World Champion Khashbaatar talks about achieving success in so many weight categories throughout his Judo career.
The Importance Of Judo To Me | Interview | Khashbaatar
2009 World Champion Khashbaatar gives us an insight into what the sport of Judo means to him.
Winning The 2009 World Championships | Interview | Khashbaatar
Hear from Mongolia's Khashbaatar as he gives a great insight into what it felt like to become his country's first ever judo World Champion.
How Judo Makes Me Feel | Interview | Khashbaatar
How I Was Introduced To Judo | Interview | Davaadorj
What I Love About Judo | Interview | Davaadorj
On The Day Of Competition | Interview | Davaadorj
Fight Preparation | Interview | Davaadorj
Kumi Kata | Interview | Davaadorj