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Coaching Judo To Juniors

Coaching Judo To Juniors

Judo changed Yasuhiro Yamashita from a schoolyard bully to one of the greatest players the sport has ever produced.

Now, as the IJF Education and Coaching Director, Yamashita introduces a DVD which aims to get children all over the world involved in judo similar to the way he became absorbed by it as a ten-year-old.

From northern Italy and the slums of Brazil to the Scottish borders and the beautiful dojos in France, judo is taught to children of all backgrounds and races.

Presented by three European experts, they all agree that children can, and should, enjoy judo. In their homelands, see them demonstrate their unique style in coaching children. And in the stunning backdrop of Rio de Janeiro, the venue for the 2005 IJF Spring seminars, see them share and exchange their ideas with other coaches.

As Peter Gardiner, Coach Development Manager for Judo Scotland, says: "Jigoro Kano said that judo builds people, and I really believe that. But if we’re going to have a positive effect on someone we need to involve them in judo for a longer period of time."

Coaching Judo To Juniors
  • Coaching Judo To Juniors (English)

    Introduced by Yasuhiro Yamashita.

    A multi-language, ground-breaking coaching DVD, which aims to change the face of world judo. Presented by three European experts, they all agree that children can, and should, enjoy judo. See them demonstrate their unique styles of coaching in their homelands...


  • Coaching Judo To Juniors (French)

    Présenté par Yasuhiro Yamashita.

    Un DVD d'entraînement multilingue et novateur, qui vise à changer le visage du judo mondial. Présentés par trois experts européens, ils s'accordent à dire que les enfants peuvent et doivent apprécier le judo. Les voir montrer leurs styles uniques d’entraînement d...

  • Coaching Judo To Juniors (Spanish)

    Presentado por Yasuhiro Yamashita.

    Un DVD de entrenamiento en varios idiomas, innovador, que apunta a cambiar la cara del judo mundial. Presentado por tres expertos europeos, todos están de acuerdo en que los niños pueden y deben disfrutar del judo. Vea cómo demuestran sus estilos únicos de en...

  • Coaching Judo To Juniors (Japanese)


    世界の柔道の表情を変えることを目的とした、多言語で革新的なコーチングDVD。 3人のヨーロッパの専門家によって提示されて、彼ら全員は子供が柔道を楽しむことができる、そしてそうすべきであることに同意します。彼らの故郷で、そして2005年のIJF春季セミナーの開催地であるリオデジャネイロで、彼らが独自のコーチングスタイルを示しているのを見てください。



  • Coaching Judo To Juniors (Arabic)

    قدمه ياسوهيرو ياماشيتا.

    قرص DVD للتدريب متعدد اللغات ، يهدف إلى تغيير وجه عالم الجودو. قدمهم ثلاثة خبراء أوروبيين ، وهم جميعًا متفقون على أنه يمكن للأطفال ، بل يجب عليهم ، الاستمتاع بالجو. أراهم يبرهن على أساليبهم الفريدة في التدريب في أوطانهم وفي ريو دي جانيرو ، مكان انعقاد ندوات IJF لربيع 20...